What Is A Landing Page And How It Helps Your Business?

If you are looking up landing pages, chances are, you have already set up your website, or you are in the process of doing so. In case it’s your first time, you may be wondering, when does it stop? Well, with SEO and establishing an online presence, the answer is never. Creating and maintaining a landing page is one of the tactics that will continuously support your online marketing campaigns.

What is a Landing Page?

This is a section of your site where consumers “land” on after clicking on social media ads, call-to-action, email links, or pay-per-click. In a conversion funnel, landing pages are located at the bottom since they nurture leads to completion. Seeing the role landing pages play in lead conversion, every business that wants to succeed must have one.

How Is It Different from Other Pages?

Landing pages aren’t as common as the About Us and Home pages. This, however, doesn’t mean they are irrelevant or useless. The most significant difference between a landing page and other pages is that it targets a specific group. Landing pages aren’t connected to a site’s navigation, and the reason behind their creation is to persuade the audience to take a particular cause of action. This could be to schedule an appointment or make a purchase.

Why Does Every Business Require a Landing Page?

Not many businesses accord landing pages the importance they deserve. That’s why some websites don’t use their time and resources to create them. If you don’t think landing pages are useful, here are some benefits you are missing out on.

Helps You Acquire More Leads

Businesses that have a landing page acquire more leads than those without. These pages increase brand awareness and drive leads to your site, thus enhancing your search engine optimization efforts. The more landing pages a business has, the more leads they get. This applies to both B2C and B2B companies.

Offer You Useful Information

Landing pages can also provide you with useful consumer data such as demographics which comes in handy in making contact. If you want to learn more about your visitors, you can create a splash landing page that will inquire vital information from your audience through a short form. As we discuss the benefits of landing pages, we would also like to emphasize the importance of creating landing page forms. These are what you will use to gather data. Ensure that you create flawless forms or ask a skilled digital agency to help you out with that.

Improve User Experiences

Most home or about us pages are packed with tons of information. It can be challenging for a visitor to find out the intent of the business or company when they are redirected there. On the other hand, a landing page discusses a single piece of information. This way, users don’t have to navigate so hard and find out what you want from them. Through this improvement in UX, you will realize negligible bounce rates and higher conversions.

Complements Your SEO Campaigns

Having potential leads visit your site is only part of lead generation and conversion. A landing page encourages the visitor to take action. Therefore, they support search engine optimization. And also improve conversion rates.

Is It Okay to Have More than One Landing Page?

Absolutely! You can have as many landing pages as you can. It all depends on your objectives. Examples of landing pages that you can create include;

  • Viral landing pages.
  • Squeeze landing pages.
  • Sales landing pages.
  • Click-through landing pages.
  • Product detail landing pages.

There are many types. Your digital agency should elaborate on what each entails and if it’s applicable in your business.

How Do I Create a Landing Page?

Even though creating a landing page isn’t hard, it needs precision if you want to get more conversions.

Step 1 – You have to know your audience.
Step 2 – You have to identify your company goals.
Step 3 – With the above in mind, create and design a landing page.
Step 4 – Test and Optimize It.

Creating persuasive landing pages is an art that requires knowledge and experience. Novabasis has got the best SEO specialists who understand the requirements of a highly converting landing page. Contact us and we can discuss the ideal landing pages your business needs.